Trust Utilitas to manage your telecommunications procurement and we will align your requirements with best-in-class solutions that deliver optimal value and service quality.
Our in-depth knowledge of the business telecoms marketplace spans landline and mobile phone services, broadband provision and point-to-point data networks. We’re well-qualified to assess all your communications requirements and to advise on solutions that can reduce your costs, enhance service and expand functionality.
Utilitas will carry out a thorough analysis of your communications and data infrastructure to gain a detailed understanding of your requirements. This enables us to propose solutions that not only minimise costs, but in many cases deliver improved connectivity and greater network resilience. We’ll also assess your existing technology to determine whether alternative solutions could drive further cost savings.
Utilitas will take care of contract provisioning and manage the ongoing relationship between your company and your telecoms service providers. That’s important, because we understand their marketing strategies, and we know how to recognise those deals that look attractive but may end up costing you more. Plus we can penetrate even the most complex pricing models to quickly determine which offer best value.
Our invoice validation service ensures that you’re always charged the appropriate fixed fees and usage rates, and we’ll liaise with suppliers and claim a rebate should we identify any anomalies.
How we can help your business....
No matter which industry you are in, we have a bespoke procurement solution to meet your needs
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